Member Profile: Thomas Grayston
Instrument: Keys or Piano, and some vocals.
Age: 22
Birthday: 5 May 84
Family: Two brothers and two sisters, all younger.
Pets: None at the moment - used to have a cat though.
Favourite Colour Socks: Most of my socks are black, which is pretty boring... but I get to wear blue and green stripey socks when I play with Oddsox! :)
Favourite Food: Pizza... chocolate... homemade muffins... mmmm. I'm hungry now!
Favourite TV Show: Wallace and Gromit! They're so cool! I like the Wrong Trousers best, and I have a tie to prove it! Not to mention Wallace and Gromit socks, t-shirts, mugs, plates... Yep, you could say I was a fan. :)
Favourite Oddsox Song: It's Enough. It starts off "It's enough that, you're with me everywhere I'm walking" and talks about how Jesus is with us everyday, whatever we're doing. It's a great thing to know that he cares about us that much!
Church: St John's Anglican Church, Launceston
Primary School: Went through a few schools, the main ones being Campbell St Primary in Hobart, and Princes Hill Primary in Carlton, Victoria.
Favourite Subject at School: Computer-related ones, and Music. :)
Background: I've just completed my Bachelor of Computing degree at the University of Tasmania, and am continuing on to do Honours in 2006. I've been involved in lots of Scripture Union Children's Camps and Holiday Clubs over the years, and have always had a great interest in music. I'm the most recent member of Oddsox, having joined around Easter 2005. I love being in Oddsox because I get to play great music for kids that tells them about Jesus and what he does for us! :D
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